About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

CFD Trading Example

A Contract for Differences, commonly known as CFD, is an agreement where the difference in settlement of a financial derivative’s open and close prices is resolved with a cash settlement. CFDs exist for multiple assets, including stocks, indices and commodities, although no delivery of actual goods or securities happen when trading a CFD. CFDs areContinue Reading

The Potential Pitfalls of CFD Trading

CFD trading can be a risky business. As we have mentioned, leverage allows you to take positions that are larger than your deposit size. It means you can potentially amplify your profits, but it also means that the risk of large losses is greater. If you are a beginner, then the most important thing isContinue Reading

The 3 Main Market Categories

Bullion Bullion refers to the physical gold and silver of high purity. The demand for bullion isn’t driven only by their practical use, but also by their role as investments and a store of value. Paper currencies come with all sorts of problems, like the risk of inflation in times of political and economic turmoil.Continue Reading

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